Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hiya. So first of all, I apologize. There is no way I can be as serious as Libby was in the last post on the blog. (Which was amazing, by the way.)
It's too hard for me to express myself that way when other people (that I don't know in real life) can read it. I just can't. So I'm warning you, my rants will probably be a little silly. :/

All right.
So do you have the type of parent(s) that likes to invite people over to your home to stay overnight and visit? I do. My father, at least. Well, my family lives in the middle of the desert smack dab 30 miles away on each side from two towns. So hosting visitors isn't as common as it could be if we lived nearer to the city. But anyway.
So my dad invited over a couple (none of us others know) that work with him or something, but they live in southern California. So they come up our driveway (it's a steep, twisty, bumpy, roller-coaster-type driveway) with their huge trailer attached to their pickup and take about half an hour trying to turn it around (keep in mind, this is a HUGELY LONG THING THEY ARE TRYING TO TURN AROUND) and they even have to chainsaw down some branches because KEEP IN MIND WE LIVE ON THE TOP OF A HILL AND THERE REALLY ISN'T ENOUGH SPACE FOR TURNING AROUND VEHICLES LONGER THAN A COUPLE OF REGULAR CARS and then they have the nerve to bring along a ROTTWEILER AND SOME OTHER HUGE DOG THAT I CAN NOT REMEMBER AT THE MOMENT so of course, we have to pen our one-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog upstairs and we have to pen their dogs in the backyard because our Labrador lives outside. SO ANYWAY. Then of course my mother has to go get propane and ice because my dad is entertaining but the little store three miles away is CLOSED for some reason, even though it's only three in the afternoon, so then my mum comes back and has to start cooking and I have to sit upstairs with the puppy because she's practically having a panic attack that she can't go see the other dogs, which the owners think will fight her... And it's like HOT HOT HOT because this is JULY IN THE DESERT and the bugs are EVIL, so I happily stay upstairs playing Game-Boy. AND THEN we're like, okay, well they're only here for one night and they can stay in the trailer la di dah, (oh, and by the way did I mention we're having construction and fixing things up around our house so the guy that's helping is staying in our guest room so we have HIM there as well) and then, this morning, I asked my mom if they had left yet, and she said, no, they might stay another night. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention about a billion other things are happening around here, like my dad got his wallet stolen, so all of our credit cards and stuff had to be halted (except for a few that he didn't have, my mum did) and, yeah.

So if you didn't bother to read that, I don't blame you.
But that's what this blog is for, right?



  1. Your life must be completely HECTIC.

  2. Wow... That sounds, uh, hectic. We don't have visitors very often {antisocial mucho here!} but just my grandma sends me insane xP

  3. We really barely EVER have visitors stay over night and even when we do they do not do all THAT!

  4. Ahh it's been so crazy around here lately!!! We're going to move soon, so we're trying to get everything fixed up and stuff.
