Saturday, July 24, 2010

Act Your Age!

Hello, it's May here today.
I love dolls and teddies, my room is kinda kiddie. No pink walls or anything though. All my friends think the dolls and stuff are pretty cool. But my teacher thought it was odd for 3 girls to like AG dolls, but of course that didn't bother me. But y'know. From time to time people comment on other people's youtubes and stuff saying 'OH GEEZ MOLLZ. I CANT BULYEV U LYKE DOZ KREPPY DOLLZ! LOL LOL LOL!' It's just unfairr and annoying. We can like what we like, we can be what we are.
Example? I used to really like books for girls younger than my age when I was 10/11. I'd read books aimed at eight year olds and stuff. The girl didn't mean any harm but when I said 'I'm reading The Witch Baby and Me' she said 'OH! My sister's reading that!' her sister was 7 or so. I'm lucky I don't have a bullying class. (Well. uh. something) But mixed schools and bigger classes make fun of you for the littlest things. 'LOL! GUYZ. GESS WAT I HURD 2DAY!' 'wat tell mi' 'MIA PLAYS WIT AG DOLLZ ANNND HUR ROOOM IZ LYKE PINK ANNND U KNOW, RLY BABIEISH!' 'lolololololol' darn rumors. DX

I wish people would keep to themselves. 'Got something good to say, say it. Got something bad to say, shut the fennell up' Bahh humbug.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah I know! Once I just said one small thing about AG dolls and my so called friend said 'dont people outgrow dolls when their like 5?'
    I hate it!
